Visual Philosophy Nature Art Mathematics The Mean Screen

Naum Gabo

"By means of Constructive techniques, today we are able to bring to light forces hidden in nature and to realize psychic events...We do not turn away from nature, but, on the contrary, we penetrate her more profoundly than naturalistic art ever was able to do...I have come to the conclusion that a work of art restricted to what the artist has put in it is only a part of itself. It only attains full stature with what people and time make of it...'Abstract' is not the core of the constructive idea I profess. The idea means more to me. It involves the whole complex of human relation to life. It is a mode of thinking, acting, perceiving and living....Any thing or action which enhances life, propels it and adds to it something in the direction of growth, expansion and development, is constructive....I think that the image of my work is the image of good-not of evil; the image of order-not of chaos; the image of life-not of death. And that is all the content of my constructions amounts to...all that the constructive idea is driving at."

Naum Gabo

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